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Top 10 Real World Case-Studies on Cyber Security Incidents?

Cybersecurity incidents are commonplace today. With news making headlines every alternate day, incidents ranging from data theft, security breaches, and digital frauds like phishing, the list is endless. Technological advancements and explosion of the internet usage have further widened the scope for cybersecurity attacks. Threats are getting more and more sophisticated and more evolved and dangerous threats are surfacing.

This blog explores the top 10 real-world case studies on cybersecurity incidents to give a broad understanding of how the threat landscape is evolving and what threats could reach you or your business/organization in today’s digitally advanced ecosystem.

Top 10 Real-World Case Studies Delineating Cybersecurity Incidents

1. The Equifax Breach 

One of the biggest data breaches globally is the massive breach in 2017 where hackers exploited the web application of Equifax, a multinational consumer credit reporting agency. The incident witnessed a loss of personal data of 147 million consumers approximately.  It caused severe damage to the credit bureau both financially and reputation-wise. This massive breach was possible as Equifax made the blunder of not correcting a vulnerability in their web application  Apache Struts causing the compromise of personal IDs and data to malicious actors who can use this information even for future thefts. Hackers were able to access about 209,000 credit card details and social security numbers of the British and Canadian clients. 

Case studies in a cyber security incident like Equifax shed light on the dire need to keep the company’s applications/ software updated and to regularly perform ethical hacking to keep their vulnerability in check. It highlights the importance of efficient vulnerability management and implements strong solutions and measures to prevent such breaches from occurring.

2. WannaCry Ransomware 

Another infamous cybersecurity attack that impacted worldwide, is the WannaCry Ransomware that caused massive destruction and chaos, infecting Windows computer systems worldwide, and impacting over 230,000 computers in over 150 countries in 2017. The hackers took advantage of the vulnerability in the Windows named EternalBlue. Although Microsoft released a security patch before the attack to solve the vulnerability, many users had failed to install it. This attack disrupted operations across various institutions like Hospitals, Government agencies and businesses at the global level. As a response mechanism, a “Kill Switch” was discovered by a security researcher, however, many had already made payment of the ransom to the hackers to restore their computers, with the hackers estimated to have made billions of dollars. 

Again, case studies on incidents like this demonstrate the need for installing any new updated version of cybersecurity measures and to keep one’s system updated regularly. 

3. Ukraine Power Grid Attack

Perhaps, the biggest power outage on a national grid ever, caused by a cyberattack, that impacted the Western parts of Ukraine. This incident occurred in December plunging the city- about one-fifth of Kyiv into darkness. A group of threat actors going by the name Sandworm executed this attack by targeting the power grid of Ukraine’s capital city. This group employed BlackEnergy 3, a malware for compromising the country’s power distribution companies’s computer systems. 

4. The Sony Pictures Hack

Took place in 2014, hackers managed to infiltrate the network of Sony Pictures and release confidential data and other critical information including private communications between executives and employees’ personal details. This led to a massive setback for Sony causing huge financial loss and reputational damage. Sony Pictures incurred heavy investments in improving its cybersecurity measures and making numerous legal settlements. 

Cybersecurity case studies for incidents like this highlight the importance of improving a company’s network security and more careful management, handling and protection of data. 

5. Pegasus Airlines

In what can be called the biggest failure of a human agent, the Pegasus Airlines Case took place in June 2022. A security settings misconfiguration by an employee in the Airline exposed and compromised the company’s valuable data amounting to 6.5 terabytes. The configuration error of the AWS bucket resulted in exposing 23 million files with flight charts, airline crews’ personal information and navigation materials for the world to see and easily corrupt. 

Case studies for security incidents like this underscore the significance of educating the workforce and making them aware of the devastating consequences of a security incident. Employees are the weakest link for security attackers hence, they must have awareness of the best practices.

6. Bad Rabbit

Devastating ransomware that masqueraded as an Adobe Flash update infected several computers with about 200 targets in Bulgaria, Ukraine and Russia. The hackers managed to invade people’s computers by posing as an update for Adobe Flash. This attack was made possible through the media websites that were compromised.

Case studies in Incidents like this expose how threats could take any shape and infiltrate our systems and networks. 

7. Yahoo Attack

Another one of the biggest security attacks and data breaches in history is the Yahoo attack that caused the hacking of about 500 million Yahoo accounts. This was reported as a state-sponsored attack where the hacker invaded Yahoo’s systems and stole data. This included Yahoo account holders’ names, phone numbers, birth dates, email addresses, security questions, etc. Although Yahoo had apprehended the intrusion in 2014 they failed to disclose the breach to the public causing numerous identity theft and phishing attacks. 

A case study into such security incidents exposes the need for immediate security response and compliance with security regulations. 

8. Estonia Cyber Attack

Taking place in 2007, in one of the largest cyber attacks Estonia became victim to a DDoS ( Distributed Denial of Service, with the hackers’ target to overloading the country’s critical websites including banks, government and media, etc with zombie computers, and making these sites inaccessible to the legitimate users. This attack further permeated other services like online banking, media communication, etc causing Estonia to carry USD 1 million costs.

A case study in this will shed light on the various hacking mechanisms and their devastating impacts. 

9. Melissa Virus

Launched by a programmer, this virus is listed in the history of cybersecurity as one of the most dangerous attacks for its speed of spreading and the ensuing chaos in the initial years of the internet. Melissa Virus infected the Microsoft Word macro functionality and posed as a genuine email subject line coaxing users to open an infected document, resulting in clogging servers and inboxes and disrupting operations across several companies, including Intel, Microsoft, the US Marine Corps, etc.
A case study about this security incident will delve into the earliest methods of Cyber security attacks and their evolution over the years.

10. Mariott Hotel Data Breach

This incident led to the compromise of the personal information of about 500 million guests at the Mariott Hotel. While the issue has been lurking around the company’s technology for several years, it only came to light in 2018. The Mariott Hotel has been a regular target ever since.

A case study for this kind of Cybersecurity incident highlights the importance of complying with security regulations and standards and ensuring strict security protocols.

Those are the Top 10 Real-World Case Studies on Cyber Security Incidents, which give valuable insights into the significance of robust security measures.

Case Studies on Cybersecurity